Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A New Addition and Other Developments!

I realize I have not posted in a LONG time, but since I see my good friend Jan (the one who started all of this) has not posted in a longer time, I don't feel too bad. So what has been going on with the Greens? Well, we have a new addition to the family. His name is Ferb (as in "Phineas & Ferb" - we are big fans) and he is a guinea pig. Shocking, I know, especially in light of the fact that I am strongly anti-rodent. But for all the accusing I get from a certain male that I spoil the kids, he was the one who wanted to surprise them after all of their begging. I agreed as long as I do not have to deal with it (ha -right!). Anyway, Ferb has been with us for a little over a month now. I have had minimal dealings with him, but lots of nagging about him to do. Oh well, at least I am playing to my strengths. I am grateful that at least he does not have red eyes.

Our other big development is that our #2 girl turned 9. I can't believe it. And in less than a month her sister will be 12. Where is the time going? By August, I will have kids in 7th grade, 4th grade, 2nd grade & kindergarten. I sense a midlife crisis coming on.


Sharon Gregory said...

You're a magician -- your blog is so beautiful and what a great update (We spoke on the phone less than 24 hrs!). You don't let the green grass grown under your feet!
Thanks for your encouraging comment on my humble blog.
You're my hero!

Lab said...

Go Ferb! I knew there was no way Mean Joan Green could resist the wishes of her daughters! I love the Greens so much.

-- B Man

Stephanie Green said...

12! A Young woman! wow.