Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall Fun

It has been a busy fall around here. Sam turned 6 (!?!?! How did this happen?). Among his presents was an Eli Manning jersey that makes his Aunt Jen very proud:

It seems like the man-training is working out. Last night Sam was bummed out because he had to go to bed and was going to miss the Bears-Packers game. Rich wanted him to watch some of it so we called him down and found that he had been crying because he was missing the game. (Okay, so there is more man-training needed, but, hey - he WANTED to watch the game. That is progress.)

Megan is running Cross Country this year. They decided to open the team to 5th graders as well as 6-8. She is doing awesome. She is enjoying it and I am having a ball watching her.

Hannah rode in a horse show this past weekend. She has not had a chance to ride in a show outside her barn yet, so it was pretty exciting. She rode a horse named Shameless in two classes, a halter class and a walk, trot, canter class. She did such a great job- we were very proud of her. She did not place in the walk, trot, canter, but she got a 5th place ribbon for the halter class.

Shameless had a great time too. He showed his joy by getting spooked by a little buggy and stomping on Hannah's big toe (which had already been stomped on twice this summer). Nothing was broken- just a bad bruise and a toenail that is not long for this world. It comes with the territory, I guess.

I don't want to leave our little Mary out. She is still doing gymnastics and is enjoying 3rd grade. I will have to get some pictures of her at the gym and post them. She and Sam are both tired of going to cross country meets. :)

My foot is still healing. I am walking around in running shoes and I am allowed to ride the stationary bike. I interpret this as permission to do spin class and it feel so good to get some real exercise. I am looking forward to November when I can run. Yay!


Jen Corcoran said...

I have never seen Hannah on a horse with so many feet off the ground. I downloaded that picture!

Jen Corcoran said...

This is robin, sending a comment from Jen's computer, and looking at the Hannah pics with Soren. That picture of Hannah on horseback is amazing. I hadn't realized that Hannah was such an advanced rider. Soren just said Wow! (and, Beautiful horse!).

Stephanie Green said...

thanks for the updates!:) Don't tell Freeman I let the girls see the horse pictures. He doesn't want them to like horses.