Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gingerbread House

A few years we had an awesome time making gingerbread houses with a couple of of friends in Atlanta. We did the whole nine yards: made the gingerbread, cut the pattern, etc. There was a lot of work before we ever got to decorate it, but it was so fun. We made two houses - Rich made one & I made the other(the kids assisted on both). It got a little competitive (shocking, I know), especially after Rich STOLE all of the remaining icing to make snow around his house when I still needed some for decorating. Anyway, we gave one of the houses away as a gift and we kept the other one. When we got home from delivering the one we gave away, we discovered that the dog ate the remaining one. So much for our hard work, but it was still fun!

This year, we went the easy route: I bought a kit at Target and last night we put it together. It was way faster, but still fun. The whole event was much less competitive (the kids did the decorating) and, almost 24 hours later. the dog has not eaten it yet.


Stephanie said...

Oh, the gingerbread houses. I remember Rich's perfect little house. He was so precise! Can we get together and do that again sometime?

Karen said...

Hey Joanie...I was happy to see that you have a blog too! It is fun to see your family adventures!Say hi to Rich!